Author Archive: Michael Kendall
Michael Kendall
July 14, 2022
It’s different this time. The history of volatile bitcoin declines is that at every bottom, bitcoin rises from all the negativity to reach new, unimagined highs. Eventually, the price of bitcoin is destined for a million dollars—or something like that—according…
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Michael Kendall
June 29, 2022
The Bank of International Settlement (BIS) released a lengthy update on CBDC progress. It is a safe, reassuring report to justify CBDC as a benign evolution of the monetary system. From the report we glean that all the wonders of…
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Michael Kendall
May 18, 2022
Every once in a while I look under the hood to see the inner workings of a crypto. There are thousands of cryptos and new ones are constantly being innovated under less than reliable protocols. They all promise a new…
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Michael Kendall
March 13, 2022
The Biden administration issued an Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets on March 9, 2022. What are the implications? There is a story arc to the evolution of cryptocurrency and the blockchain. The cliff notes version of…
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Michael Kendall
February 10, 2022
The British historian and author Douglas Reed on Communist theory: The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property. Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Great Reset, 4th Industrial Revolution, Transhumanism, Digital ID…
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Michael Kendall
May 30, 2021
No, Hedera and the Hbars is not a band, though it would make a great band name. Every once in a while I find it useful to read one of the thousands of White Papers and see what is happening…
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Michael Kendall
February 24, 2021
A year ago, I looked at The State of Crypto and found it far from ready for prime time. Amid the proponents attempting to create a useful decentralized cryptocurrency and blockchain that advances Satoshi’s White Paper vision, the industry remains…
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Michael Kendall
February 13, 2021
I discussed the size of the Fed’s balance sheet in The Fed, Gold, and MMT and during my interview on Supply Side Podcast with Jonathan Doyle. I also talked about gold manipulation on the podcast. I’ll expand a little on both…
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Michael Kendall
February 10, 2021
I return for another Supply Side Podcast with the great Jonathan Doyle. This one is not as long as the first, but we cover a lot of topics. What distinguishes the foundation of the Supply-side model Behavioral economics vs. mathematical…
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Michael Kendall
January 27, 2021
The price of gold (POG) is the inverse of the value of a country’s currency. Changes in the POG reflect changes in a currency’s value, not in gold’s value which is stable. If gold supply and demand determined the POG,…
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