Author Archive: Michael Kendall
Michael Kendall
June 23, 2016
Thomas Carlyle, a Scottish philosopher and historian, termed economics “the dismal science” in the 19th century. Regardless of Carlyle’s reason for originating the phrase, today’s economics profession ensures that economics remains true to Carlyle’s sentiment. In an era of abundance,…
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Michael Kendall
June 16, 2016
Much less, care what they say The privately held Federal Reserve Bank Chair is a household name as recognizable as the most senior elected officials occupying positions of extreme power in the federal government. Markets soar and swoon on a…
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Michael Kendall
June 9, 2016
The dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Estimates are that 2/3rd of dollars in circulation are held outside the U.S. There are 7.4 billion people on the planet, and one way or another in our connected, quantum world, management of…
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